Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Beta - A Programming Language

BETA is a pure physical physical object oriented scheduling linguistic communication developed by Norse School in System Development, Scandinavian Universities.

This was released after a series of sweetenings of their first object oriented linguistic communication SimulaI which was a computer simulation language. Soon it was generalised into Simula67 which had the physical physical object oriented framework, and worked on the conceptions of class, sub-class, practical mathematical functions etc. This was enhanced by another object oriented linguistic communication Delta that worked for system description; this meant it could show predicate logic and state changes. This was a non-executable attempt and thus did not measure up as a language. So it was decided to plan a scheduling linguistic communication Gamma that plant as Delta but is executable.

Eventually, Gamma was never made, rather Beta was made. While Beta was being made, it was realized that Beta was much more than powerful than what Gamma would be or ever could be. Beta is a scheduling linguistic communication like C++.

Currently, beta is available on UNIX system workstations, on PowerPC Mackintosh and on Intel-based PCs. beta have an optimal balance between collect clip checking and tally clip checking. The type cast of characters checking is done at collect time, however, for the full set of type bank check and type transition to be done at collect clip necessitates a batch of clip and thus increases the complexness of a program. Thus, an optimal balance have been made.

BETA is a logical verbal description of the language. It works on the conceptions of class, sub-class, practical mathematical functions etc. It also incorporates transeunt variables, 1s whose range is programme execution, and relentless variables, those whose values are retained in the disc space and are available at the clip of adjacent execution.

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